pay taxes on one's income 意味
- 所得に対する税金を払う
- pay 1pay n. 給料, 支払い; 報酬. 【動詞+】 claim one's pay 支払いを要求する dock sb's pay
- taxes taxes 公課 こうか 租税 そぜい
- income income n. 収入, 所得. 【動詞+】 There is a Greek saying: “First acquire an
- fail to pay one's taxes 税金{ぜいきん}を支払わない[納付{のうふ}しない]
- pay one's taxes 納税する
- pay one's taxes on time 税金{ぜいきん}を滞りなく払う
- pay one's taxes with a smile 笑って税金を支払う
- pay premiums in proportion to one's income 所得{しょとく}に比例{ひれい}した保険料{ほけんりょう}を支払う{しはらう}
- income before income taxes 税引前利益{ぜいびきまえ りえき}
- income before taxes on income 税引前利益{ぜいびきまえ りえき}
- severance pay equals one year's income 年収分{ねんしゅう ぶん}の退職手当{たいしょく てあて}
- income before income taxes and others 税金等調整前当期純利益{ぜいきん とう ちょうせい まえ とうき じゅんりえき}
- income before provisions for taxes on income 税引前利益{ぜいびき まえ りえき}
- accounting for income taxes 税効果会計{ぜい こうか かいけい}
- accrued taxes on income 納税引当金{のうぜい ひきあてきん}